PLEASE NOTE: Beginning January 1st all online donations will be considered general donations to Valley of Our Lady Monastery, and not specifically toward the New Monastery construction. With the construction wrapping up (God wiling!) and to simplify our bookkeeping, we will be bringing the capital campaign to a close with the end of the year. If desired and indicated, gifts may be given toward the New Monastery Maintenance Fund.

February 14: Crates Arrive

Six crates fill the Guest Nave containing the marble pieces of the altar of sacrifice, altar of repose, tabernacle, & ambo

Assembly and installation of the pieces were scheduled to begin on Feb 24… but a medical emergency of the installer has caused a delay

January 2025: Oratory Furnishings coming

The new altars, tabernacle, and ambo for the Oratory are headed our way! They were shipped from Italy in late December and are currently on a boat on the Atlantic! In anticipation of their arrival next month, we will be preparing the Oratory.

Dec 25 – Jan 2: Novena of Masses

As our Christmas gift to all our benefactors, we are offering a novena of Masses for you and your intentions. We pray you all have a blessed and joyful Christmas Season!

December 17-23: O Antiphons

We begin the traditional ‘O Antiphons’ during this final stretch of the Advent Season. Drawing from Old Testament imagery, these Magnificat Antiphons call on the Savior to ‘Come!’

Here is the translation of the first antiphon pictured left from the Cistercian Antiphonal: O WISDOM that proceeds from the mouth of the Most High, reaching from end to end, mightily and sweetly disposing all things: Come and teach us the way of prudence.

We encourage you to check out our community Advent newsletter.

You can sign up to receive our newsletter (or update your mailing address) on our contact page.

December 9: Immaculate Conception Procession

The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception was transferred to December 9th this year; as with other Marian Solemnities we made a procession on honor of Our Lady

The beautiful new ‘cloister walk’ – the first floor corridor around the interior courtyard – functions as a liturgical space for processions 

Four statue alcoves adorn the cloister walk and function as the stations during processions; Sisters are also found praying at these statutes throughout the day and lovingly adding flowers

December 1: Advent Begins

The first Advent candle is lit in the new Oratory. As we begin a new liturgical year, we look back on the previous year with gratitude and look ahead to this new season with hope. Know of our prayers during this Advent Season as we prepare for the coming of the Christ-Child.

Find a link to our Community’s Advent newsletter here.

October 11-12: New Monastery Tours

Informal tours of the New Monastery were offered October 11 & 12. Thank you to all who joined their prayers of gratitude to ours during these blessed days. While we’re still awaiting some final touches and furnishings, construction is happily approaching a conclusion. We continue our prayers that all those who had a hand in the project be abundantly blessed and that this monastery may always be For the Glory of God!

October 2nd: Solemn Profession of Sister Mary John

Completing her initial formation, Sister Mary John professes her perpetual vows. Pictured above, after invoking the prayers of all the saints, Abbot President Vinzenz Wohlwend, O.Cist. prays over our sister before she processes her vows.  

While prostrate, Sister Mary John receives monastic consecration; Abbot Vinzenz prays the beautiful triple prayer to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. 

Mother Anne Marie clothes Sister Mary John in the black veil and cuculla of Solemnly Professed nuns.

August 31st: First Mass in the Oratory

With much joy we moved into the Oratory! Many of the faithful joined us for the first Mass. Gratitude to God abounded for such a gift. Mass ended with the sweet melody of the Te Deum accompanied by the pealing of the Bells. All were astounded by the celestial acoustics of the sacred space and the simple beauty of the Cistercian architecture. (For inquires about Mass times and attendance contact us at

August 24th: Investment

After one year of formation and donning the postulant garb, our postulant Elise was Invested with the monastic habit and received her religious name: Sister Marie Stella. Please pray for our new Novice! Find more photos on our community website.

August 20th: Saint Bernard of Clairvaux

Today we celebrate one of our Cistercian Fathers and Doctor of the Church, Saint Bernard of Clairvaux. This dynamic Saint drew hundreds to embrace monastic life and help spread the Cistercian Order throughout Europe. Considered one of the giants of the Middle Ages, his influence on Catholic theology and spirituality continues to this day.

Construction is wrapping up on the Oratory, North Range, and Guest House. There are still some Chapel furnishings that can be sponsored.

Please join us in praying a ‘Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit…’ in thanksgiving to God for the gift of the New Monastery and that it may truly be for His Glory.

Sister Stephanie Messmer, O.Cist. 1937 – 2024

After long illness, Sister Stephanie Messmer, a nun of Valley of Our Lady Monastery, Hollandale, WI died peacefully in the Lord on July 31st at the age of 87, after more than 70 years in religious life. A native of Richardton, North Dakota, she entered the Benedictine Monastery at Yankton, SD at the age of 16. In 1984, feeling the call to a contemplative life, she transferred to Valley of Our Lady Monastery.  She served our community as seamstress, oblate directress, cellarer, and in other assignments. May our sister rest in peace.

July18: Cemetery Relocation

The graves at the old monastery cemetery were carefully and reverently disinterred

The remains were carefully placed into vaults and then onto trucks, then they were immediately on their way to the New Monastery cemetery

Mother Anne Marie accompanied the relocation by her presence and her prayers; here the vaults are placed in the new cemetery

The community is reunited now that the deceased members are laid in their new resting place; the nuns gather to bless the graves and pray for our deceased sisters

Views from July 16

The scale and detail of the main Chapel nave are taking shape; a hopeful completion date of early September

Carpenters are installing the millwork in the Chapel; painters quickly follow

Wayne and helper from Bruce Co., with Mark from CGS, adjust the Cloister courtyard fountain pump

Preparing the way electrical conduits before laying the wood choir flooring

Views from early July

Carpenter Derek plans his next move to install the rose window trim in the Guest Nave

Tile-setters are taking particular care with the floor of the sanctuary

The drywallers finish up some of the final high work in the Chapel

Overhead view of the Guest Courtyard: pavers and drainage now complete, plantings in process

After much tweaking of the pavers, drainage and irrigations systems, plants have arrived in the Cloister courtyard

Mama Robin found a perfect spot for a nest on the scaffolding in the Cloister Courtyard; scheduled for removal next week the sisters are hoping the 3 chicks will be ready to fly soon!

June 30: Cemetery Blessing

The ceremony began in the temporary oratory, then the community processed to the cemetery

Monsignor Bartylla presided at the cemetery blessing, on his final day as Vicar General

Following readings and prayers the entire cemetery was blessed with holy water and incense

Monsignor Bartylla incenses the future cemetery plots with the Oratory in the background; We’re hopeful to soon relocate the old cemetery to it’s newly blessed home

Views from June 21

View towards the south; Generous Spring rains have made the countryside green and lush

Meeting in the Chapel of the design and contractor teams to work through details

Hundreds of plants have arrived, just waiting for final topsoil to be spread, to transform the grounds

Previous Videos

January 11 VIDEO CLIP

November 7 VIDEO CLIP

October 25 VIDEO CLIP

October 11 VIDEO CLIP




Slideshow of Previous Updates:

September 2022 to April 2023

May 2023 to January 2024

January 2024 to June 2024

Their goal was: quaerere Deum. Amid the confusion of the times, in which nothing seemed permanent, they wanted to do the essential – to make an effort to find what was perennially valid and lasting, life itself.  They were searching for God.

–Pope Benedict XVI

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